
Used to provide security authorization

GET api/Authorization/{uid}/{psw}/{appid}/{locdata}

Used to provide the unique security token GUID

GET api/Authorization/{uid}/{psw}/{appid}

Used to provide the unique security token GUID


Provides access to common data lists

GET api/CommonData/GetCountries

Used to provide a list of country name and codes

GET api/CommonData/GetRegions/{CountryID}

Used to provide a list of country name and codes


Used to provide functionality related to company level data

GET api/Company/GetOffices/{auth}

Used to provide the list of tabs for the Operations Log for current user

GET api/Company/GetUsers/{auth}/{UserType}

Used to provide a list of users


Provide functionality related to couriers (ground agents)

POST api/Courier

Use to search for couriers

GET api/Courier/SelectServices/{auth}/{CourierID}

Used to provide the list of service available from a courier (ground agent)


Used to manage functionality for MxDispatch

GET api/Dispatch/GetTrips/{auth}

Use to get the active trips assigned to users office

POST api/Dispatch/CreateTrip

Use this to create a new trip

POST api/Dispatch/UpdateTrip

Use this method to update a trip

GET api/Dispatch/DeleteTrip/{auth}/{TripID}

Use this method to delete a trip

GET api/Dispatch/GetTripStops/{auth}/{TripID}

Use this method to retrieve the list of stops (pickup or delivery) assigned to the trip

POST api/Dispatch/AddStopToTrip

Add stop (pickup or delivery) to trip

GET api/Dispatch/ChangeStopSequence/{auth}/{TripDetailID}/{NextTripDetailID}

Use this method to change the sequence of a stop, move a stop after another stop(PreviousTripDetailID)

GET api/Dispatch/MoveStopToTrip/{auth}/{TripDetailID}/{TripID}

Use this method to move a stop (TripDetailID) to another trip (TripID). The stop will be added to the end of the trip

GET api/Dispatch/DeleteStopFromTrip/{auth}/{TripDetailID}

Delete pickup or delivery from trip Unique authorization identifier

GET api/Dispatch/GetUnassignedStops/{auth}

Get the list of unassigned stops (pickup or delivery)

POST api/Dispatch/GetUnassignedStops

Get the list of unassigned stops (pickup or delivery) (with filter parameters) (only deliveries or inbound shipments are provided at this point)

GET api/Dispatch/GetAvailableCouriers/{auth}

Use this method to get a list of available couriers for dispatch

POST api/Dispatch/AssignCourierToTrip

Use this method to assign a courier to a trip

GET api/Dispatch/AutoAssignStopsToTrip/{auth}/{TripID}

Use this method to assign all unassigned stops to this trip based on the route codes associated with the trip

GET api/Dispatch/GetTripTemplates/{auth}

Get a list of trip templates available to the user (filtered for users office)

GET api/Dispatch/GetRouteCodes/{auth}

Use this method to get a list of route codes for the users office

GET api/Dispatch/GetTripRoutes/{auth}/{TripID}

Get the list of route codes assigned to the trip

POST api/Dispatch/AddTripRoute

Use this method to add a route code to a trip

GET api/Dispatch/DeleteTripRoute/{auth}/{TripRouteID}

Use this method to delete a route code from a trip

POST api/Dispatch/TripTemplate

use this method to search for Trip Templates

POST api/Dispatch/TripTemplate/Add

Use this method to add a new trip template

POST api/Dispatch/TripTemplate/Update

Use this method to update a trip template

GET api/Dispatch/TripTemplate/Delete/{auth}/{TripTemplateID}

use this method to delete a trip template

GET api/Dispatch/TripTemplateRoute/{auth}/{TripTemplateID}

Select route codes associated with a trip template

GET api/Dispatch/TripTemplateRoute/Add/{auth}/{RouteCode}/{TripTemplateID}

Used to add a route code to a trip template

GET api/Dispatch/TripTemplateRoute/Delete/{auth}/{TripTemplateRouteGUID}

Used to add a route code to a trip template


GET api/Document/ForShipment/{UserGUID}/{ShipmentDocumentID}

Use this method retrieve the a document attached to a shipment

GET api/Document/PickupAlert/{UserGUID}/{PickupGUID}

Use this method to generate and retrieve the pickup alert document


Use these methods to provide integration with e-Courier systems

POST api/Ecourier/Status

Use this method to send status from e-courier system to MxTMS


Used to receive flight alert information from FlightStats

POST api/FlightStats

Used to accept flight status messages from FlightStats


GET api/ManifestShipmentData/manifestIds/{auth}?orderStatusCode={orderStatusCode}&shipmentState={shipmentState}&deliveryAlertStatus={deliveryAlertStatus}&minutesSinceAlerted={minutesSinceAlerted}

Get Manifest Shipment ids for ReportManifestForm/ReportInboundAlert Alerts.

GET api/ManifestShipmentData/manifestDetails/{auth}?manifestGUIDs={manifestGUIDs}

Get Manifest Shipment Data for ReportManifestForm/ReportInboundAlert Alerts.


GET api/GetShipmentsForOutboundCall/shipmentIds/{auth}?StateFilter={StateFilter}&StatusFilter={StatusFilter}&ReportClass={ReportClass}&TimeSince={TimeSince}&TimeInterval={TimeInterval}

Used to provide a list of ShipmentGUID

GET api/GetShipmentsForOutboundCall/shipmentDetails/{auth}?shipmentGUIDs={shipmentGUIDs}

B Used to provide a list of ShipmentGUID


Provides methods used to integrate between ParcelLogic TMS sytems

POST api/Integration/CreateOrder

Used to create an order in the "To" companies system

POST api/Integration/AcknowledgePickupAlert

Used provide acknowledgement of the pickup alert

POST api/Integration/AcknowledgeInboundAlert

Used provide acknowledgement of the inbound alert

POST api/Integration/MarkPickedUp

Used to mark a shipment picked-up

POST api/Integration/MarkDropped

Used to mark a shipment dropped

POST api/Integration/MarkRecovered

Used to mark a shipment recovered

POST api/Integration/MarkDelivered

Use this method mark a shipment delivered

POST api/Integration/Status

This method is used internally to process integration status messages. It is also the template you should use when creating a web service that will receive status messages from a ParcelLogic TMS system (ShipSameday)


Used to provide the integration for the MNXpartners mobile app

GET api/Mobile/GetUserInfo/{UserID}/{Password}/{ApplicationID}/{LocationData}

Used to authenicate user and get user profile information

GET api/Mobile/SignOut/{UserGUID}

Used to know when user has signed out

POST api/Mobile/Ping

Get updated geolocation and check for new alert

GET api/Mobile/ChangePassword/{UserGUID}/{NewPassword}

Used to change the user password

GET api/Mobile/VehicleList/{UserGUID}

Get vehicle list

POST api/Mobile/VehicleCheckOut

Checkout a vehicle

POST api/Mobile/VehicleCheckIn

Checkin a vehicle

GET api/Mobile/GetCurrentVehicleGUID/{UserGUID}

Get current Vehicle GUID

GET api/Mobile/GetTaskList/{UserGUID}/{LocationData}

Get Task List

GET api/Mobile/SelectConfirmPickupAlert/{UserGUID}/{EntityGUID}

Retreive information for Pickup Alert Task (CONFALERTPU)

GET api/Mobile/SelectConfirmDeliveryAlert/{UserGUID}/{EntityGUID}

Retreive information for Delivery Alert Task (CONFALERTDEL)

GET api/Mobile/SelectInRouteToPickup/{UserGUID}/{EntityGUID}

Retrieve information for En Route To Pickup Task (INROUTEPU).

GET api/Mobile/SelectPickup/{UserGUID}/{EntityGUID}

Retreive information for Pickup Task (PICKUP)

GET api/Mobile/SelectDepartToAirport/{UserGUID}/{EntityGUID}

Retreive information for Depart To Airport Task (DEPTOAP)

GET api/Mobile/SelectConfirmDrop/{UserGUID}/{EntityGUID}

Retrieve information for Drop Task (DROP)

GET api/Mobile/SelectConfirmRecover/{UserGUID}/{EntityGUID}

Retrieve information for Recover Task (RECOVER)

GET api/Mobile/SelectOutForDelivery/{UserGUID}/{EntityGUID}

Retrieve information for Out for Delivery Task (OUTFORDEL)

GET api/Mobile/SelectProofOfDelivery/{UserGUID}/{EntityGUID}

Retrieve information for Proof Of Delivery Task (DELIVER)

POST api/Mobile/UpdateConfirmPickupAlert

Update information for Pickup Alert Task (CONFALERTPU)

POST api/Mobile/UpdateConfirmDeliveryAlert

Update information for Delivery Alert Task (CONFALERTDEL)

POST api/Mobile/UpdateInRouteToPickup

Update information for In Route To Pickup Task (INROUTEPU).

POST api/Mobile/UpdatePickup

Update information for Pickup Task (PICKUP)

POST api/Mobile/UpdateDepartToAirport

Update information for Depart to Airport Task (DEPTOAP).

POST api/Mobile/UpdateConfirmDrop

Update information for Drop Task (DROP)

POST api/Mobile/UpdateConfirmRecover

Update information for Recover Task (RECOVER)

POST api/Mobile/UpdateOutForDelivery

Update information for Out for Delivery Task (OUTFORDEL).

POST api/Mobile/UpdateProofOfDelivery

Update information for Proof of Delivery Task (DELIVER)

GET api/Mobile/SelectStartTrip/{UserGUID}/{EntityGUID}

Use this method to select the data to for the start trip task

POST api/Mobile/UpdateStartTrip

Use this method to confirm the shipments have been received for the stops on the trip and to start the trip

GET api/Mobile/SelectEndTrip/{UserGUID}/{EntityGUID}

Use this method to select the data for the end trip task

POST api/Mobile/UpdateEndTrip

Use this method to update the end trip task

POST api/Mobile/AddItemToConsolidation

Use this method to add an item (piece or shipment) to a consolidation

POST api/Mobile/RemoveItemFromConsolidation

Use this method to remove an item (piece or shipment) from a consolidation

POST api/Mobile/ScanDropMultiple

Use this method to mark multiple items (order#, piece ID, manifest # or consolidation/bag #) dropped at the carrier

POST api/Mobile/ScanRecoverMultiple

Use this method to mark multiple items (order#, piece ID, manifest # or consolidation/bag #) recovered from the carrier

POST api/Mobile/ScanLocation

Used to perform the Location Scan

POST api/Mobile/ScanConfirmation

Used to perform the Confirmation Scan

POST api/Mobile/ScanDeliveryMultiple

Used to perform the Multiple Delivery Scan

POST api/Mobile/ScanDelivery

Used to perform delivery scan

POST api/Mobile/KitScan

Used to perform the Kit Scan

POST api/Mobile/LabScan

Used to perform lab scan

GET api/Mobile/SelectIDBadge/{auth}

Use this method to select ID Badge information for a courier

POST api/Mobile/UpdateIDBadge/{auth}

Use this method to update ID Badge information for a courier


Used to provide functionality for displaying, editing, updating and deleting notes

GET api/Note/GetNotes/{auth}/{EntityGUID}/{EntityType}/{IncludeUserNote}/{IncludeSystemGenerated}/{IncludeDeleted}

Used to provide the list of notes for the specified entity

GET api/Note/GetNote/{auth}/{NoteGUID}

Used to retrieve a single note

POST api/Note/CreateNote/{auth}/{EntityGUID}/{EntityType}

Used to create a new note attached to an entity

POST api/Note/UpdateNote/{auth}/{NoteGUID}

Used to update a note attached to an entity

GET api/Note/DeleteNote/{auth}/{NoteGUID}

Used to delete a note (the note is not actually deleted, only marked in the system)


Provide functionality related to managing office information

GET api/Office/DropDown/{auth}

Used to provide a list of offices (open only)


Used to provide Operations Log functionality

GET api/OpsLog/GetTabs/{auth}

Used to provide the list of tabs for the Operations Log for current user

GET api/OpsLog/GetTabDetail/{auth}/{tabid}

Use to retrieve setup information about a tab

GET api/OpsLog/AddTab/{auth}

Use to add a new tab

GET api/OpsLog/DeleteTab/{auth}/{tabid}

Use to delete an existing tab

POST api/OpsLog/UpdateTab/{auth}/{tabid}

Use to update an existing tab

GET api/OpsLog/GetTasks/{auth}/{tabid}/{pagenum}/{pagesize}

Used to provide the list of tasks for specified operations log tab (operations layout)

GET api/OpsLog/GetTasksForDispatch/{auth}/{tabid}/{pagenum}/{pagesize}

Used to provide the list of tasks for specified operations log tab (dispatch layout)

GET api/OpsLog/GetTasksForBilling/{auth}/{tabid}/{pagenum}/{pagesize}

Used to provide the list of tasks for specified operations log tab (billing layout)

GET api/OpsLog/GetTasksForQuality/{auth}/{tabid}/{pagenum}/{pagesize}

Used to provide the list of tasks for specified operations log tab (quality layout)

GET api/OpsLog/GetLayouts/{auth}

Used to provide a list of LAYOUTs available in Ops Log Setup

GET api/OpsLog/GetFilters/{auth}

Used to provide a list of FILTERs available in Ops Log Setup

GET api/OpsLog/GetSorts/{auth}

Used to provide a list of SORTs available in Ops Log Setup

GET api/OpsLog/GetAccountGroups/{auth}

Used to provide a list of account groups(ACCT GRP) available in Ops Log Setup

GET api/OpsLog/GetServices/{auth}

Used to provide a list of services (SERVICE) available in Ops Log Setup

GET api/OpsLog/GetRateByUsers/{auth}

Used to provide a list of billing users (RATE BY) available in Ops Log Setup

GET api/OpsLog/GetRoles/{auth}/{tabid}

Used to provide a list of roles for the specified tab

GET api/OpsLog/GetRole/{auth}/{opslogroleid}

Used to provide retrieve a single role

POST api/OpsLog/AddRole/{auth}/{tabid}

Used to add a new role to the specified tab

GET api/OpsLog/DeleteRole/{auth}/{roleid}

Use to delete an existing role from a tab

POST api/OpsLog/UpdateRole/{auth}/{roleid}

Used to update a role for the specified tab

GET api/OpsLog/SetOpsCoord/{auth}/{EntityGUID}/{EntityType}/{UserID}

Used to set or clear the operations coordinator

GET api/OpsLog/SelectTaskCsrAcknowledge/{auth}/{EntityGUID}/{EntityType}

Use this method to retrieve information for the (CSR)Acknowledge task.

GET api/OpsLog/SelectTaskReadyForOps/{auth}/{EntityGUID}/{EntityType}

Use this method to retrieve information for the Ready For Operations task

GET api/OpsLog/SelectOpsAcknowledge/{auth}/{EntityGUID}/{EntityType}

Use this method to retrieve information for the Operations Acknowledge task

GET api/OpsLog/SelectTaskPickupAlert/{auth}/{EntityGUID}/{EntityType}/{Realert}

Use this method to retrieve information for the Pickup Alert task

GET api/OpsLog/SelectTaskPickupAlertConfirm/{auth}/{EntityGUID}/{EntityType}

Use this method to retrieve information for the Pickup Alert Confirm task

GET api/OpsLog/SelectTaskInRouteToPickup/{auth}/{EntityGUID}/{EntityType}

Use this to retrieve information for the En Route to Pickup task

GET api/OpsLog/SelectTaskPickup/{auth}/{EntityGUID}/{EntityType}

Use this method to select data for the pickup task

GET api/OpsLog/SelectTaskDepartToAirport/{auth}/{EntityGUID}/{EntityType}

Use this method retrieve the Depart To Airport task

GET api/OpsLog/SelectTaskDrop/{auth}/{EntityGUID}/{EntityType}

Used to select data for the drop task (DROP)

GET api/OpsLog/SelectTaskAlertInbound/{auth}/{EntityGUID}/{EntityType}

Use to select data for the alert inbound task (ALERTINBOUND)

GET api/OpsLog/SelectTaskConfirmInbound/{auth}/{EntityGUID}/{EntityType}

Use to select data for the confirm inbound task (CONFINBOUND)

GET api/OpsLog/SelectTaskConfirmDeliveryAlert/{auth}/{EntityGUID}/{EntityType}

Used to select data for the confirm inbound task (CONFALERTDEL)

GET api/OpsLog/SelectTaskOnboard/{auth}/{EntityGUID}/{EntityType}

Used to select data for the confirm onboard task (ONBOARD)

GET api/OpsLog/SelectTaskDepart/{auth}/{EntityGUID}/{EntityType}

Used to select data for the depart task (DEPART)

GET api/OpsLog/SelectTaskArrive/{auth}/{EntityGUID}/{EntityType}

Used to select data for the arrive task (ARRIVE)

GET api/OpsLog/SelectTaskRecoverDeliver/{auth}/{EntityGUID}/{EntityType}

Use this method to select data for the recover task (RECOVERDEL)

GET api/OpsLog/SelectTaskDeliver/{auth}/{EntityGUID}/{EntityType}

Use this method to select data for the deliver task (DELIVER)

POST api/OpsLog/UpdateTaskCsrAcknowledge/{auth}/{EntityGUID}/{EntityType}

Use this method to update information for the (CSR)Acknowledge task.

POST api/OpsLog/UpdateTaskReadyForOps/{auth}/{EntityGUID}/{EntityType}

Use this method to update information for the Ready for Operations task.

POST api/OpsLog/UpdateTaskOpsAcknowledge/{auth}/{EntityGUID}/{EntityType}

Use this method to update information for the Ready for Operations task.

POST api/OpsLog/UpdateTaskPickupAlert/{auth}/{EntityGUID}/{EntityType}

Use this method to update information for the Pickup Alert task.

POST api/OpsLog/UpdateTaskPickupAlertConfirm/{auth}/{EntityGUID}/{EntityType}

Use this method to update information for the Pickup Alert Confirm task.

POST api/OpsLog/UpdateTaskInRouteToPickup

Use this method to update the En Route To Pickup task

POST api/OpsLog/UpdateTaskPickup/{auth}/{EntityGUID}/{EntityType}

Use this method to update information from the Pickup task

POST api/OpsLog/UpdateTaskDepartToAirport

Use this method to update the Depart To Airport task

POST api/OpsLog/UpdateTaskDrop/{auth}/{EntityGUID}/{EntityType}

Use this method to update the drop task (DROP)

POST api/OpsLog/UpdateTaskAlertInbound

Use this method to update the alert inbound task (ALERTINBOUND)

POST api/OpsLog/UpdateTaskConfirmInbound

Use this method to update the confirm inbound task (CONFINBOUND)

POST api/OpsLog/UpdateTaskConfirmDeliveryAlert

Use this method to update the confirm inbound task (CONFALERTDEL)

POST api/OpsLog/UpdateTaskOnboard

Use this method to update the confirm onboard task (ONBOARD)

POST api/OpsLog/UpdateTaskDepart

Use this method to update the depart task (DEPART)

POST api/OpsLog/UpdateTaskArrive

Use this method to update the arrive task (ARRIVE)

POST api/OpsLog/UpdateTaskRecoverDeliver

Use this method to update the recover task (RECOVERDEL)

POST api/OpsLog/UpdateTaskDeliver

Use this method to udpate the deliver task (DELIVER)

POST api/OpsLog/UpdateProcessOrderStatus

No documentation available.

POST api/OpsLog/AttachDocument

No documentation available.

POST api/OpsLog/SaveLocation

No documentation available.

POST api/OpsLog/SendEmail

No documentation available.


Use these methods to create orders in MxTMS

POST api/Orders/CreateOrderFromWMS

Method used by WMS app to create orders in MxTMS

POST api/Orders/GetShipmentsByReference

No documentation available.

POST api/Orders/GetStatus

No documentation available.


Used to manage pickup related information

GET api/Pickup/SelectActive/{auth}/{ShipmentGUID}

Used to provide a list of active pickups relative to shipment parameters

GET api/Pickup/SelectManifest/{auth}/{PickupGUID}

Used to select the pickup manifest (orders on pickup)

GET api/Pickup/SelectCosts/{auth}/{PickupGUID}

Used to select the pickup cost

GET api/Pickup/SelectDocuments/{auth}/{PickupGUID}

Used to select the documents for all shipments on the pickup


Used to manage the list of route codes

GET api/RouteCode/{auth}

Retrieve a list of all Route Codes available


Used to manage a shipment

GET api/Shipment/{auth}/{id}

Used to retrieve information about a shipment.

POST api/Shipment/{auth}

Used to create a new shipment

PUT api/Shipment/{auth}/{id}

Used to update an existing shipment

DELETE api/Shipment/{auth}/{id}

Used to delete or cancel an existing shipment


GET api/Shipper/TrackByTrackingNumber/{TrackingNumber}

Track shipment by tracking number (unsecure, no authorization, only basic information returned)

GET api/Shipper/TrackByTrackingNumber/{auth}/{TrackingNumber}

Track shipment by tracking number

GET api/Shipper/TrackByShipmentGUID/{auth}/{ShipmentGUID}

Track shipment by GUID. You may find the ShipmentGUID in the response from active orders or recent deliveries methods

GET api/Shipper/GetActiveOrders/{auth}/{AccountNumber}

Get active orders for user

GET api/Shipper/RecentDeliveries/{auth}/{AccountNumber}

Get recent deliveries for user

GET api/Shipper/GetAccountList/{auth}/{IncludeAllItem}

Use this method to retrieve a list of account number for the user to display in a drop down field

POST api/Shipper/SearchAddresses

Use to search/retrieve the list of available addresses for this user

POST api/Shipper/AddAddress

Use this method to add an address to the users address book

GET api/Shipper/DeleteAddress/{auth}/{AddressGUID}

Use this method to delete an address

POST api/Shipper/UpdateAddress

Use this method to update an address

GET api/Shipper/PrintAirbill/{auth}/{ShipmentGUID}

Use this method to print an airbill

GET api/Shipper/PrintLabel/{auth}/{ShipmentGUID}

Use this method to print a label

GET api/Shipper/PrintCommercialInvoice/{auth}/{ShipmentGUID}

Use this method to print a commercial invoice

GET api/Shipper/PrintDangerousGoods/{auth}/{ShipmentGUID}

Use this method to print a dangerous goods declaration

POST api/Shipper/AttachDocument

Use this method to attach a document to a shipment

GET api/Shipper/GetServices/{auth}

Use this method to get a list of avaialble services for this user

GET api/Shipper/GetCreateOrderDefaults/{auth}

Use this method to get the default values for creating a new shipment

GET api/Shipper/GetDocuments/{auth}/{ShipmentGUID}

Used to retrieve the list of customer visible documents for a shipment

GET api/Shipper/PrintDocument/{auth}/{ShipmentDocumentID}

No documentation available.


Use these methods to test HTTP POST, the posted body will be written to the event log

POST api/TestPost

Used to test HTTP POST messages


Used to manage general transportation related functionality

GET api/Transportation/SelectForCsrAck/{auth}

Used to provide the list of status codes available for the CSR acknowledge task


Used to provide functionality to vendors

GET api/Vendor/SelectIDBadge/{auth}

Use this method to select ID Badge information for a courier

POST api/Vendor/UpdateIDBadge/{auth}

Use this method to update ID Badge information for a courier


Provides functionality for the BabyCord mobile app

GET api/Viacord/GetStatus/{kitlotnumber}

Used to provide the list of tabs for the Operations Log for current user

POST api/Viacord/Create/{kitlotnumber}

Use this to create a viacord kit, this is the first step when using the Viacord Babycord mobile app

GET api/Viacord/GetInfo

Get viacord customer service phone number