
Used to provide security authorization

GET api/Authorization/{uid}/{psw}/{appid}/{locdata}

Used to provide the unique security token GUID

GET api/Authorization/{uid}/{psw}/{appid}

Used to provide the unique security token GUID


Provides access to common data lists

GET api/CommonData/GetCountries

Used to provide a list of country name and codes

GET api/CommonData/GetRegions/{CountryID}

Used to provide a list of country name and codes


Used to provide functionality related to company level data

GET api/Company/GetOffices/{auth}

Used to provide the list of tabs for the Operations Log for current user

GET api/Company/GetUsers/{auth}/{UserType}

Used to provide a list of users


Provide functionality related to couriers (ground agents)

POST api/Courier

Use to search for couriers

GET api/Courier/SelectServices/{auth}/{CourierID}

Used to provide the list of service available from a courier (ground agent)


Used to manage functionality for MxDispatch

GET api/Dispatch/GetTrips/{auth}

Use to get the active trips assigned to users office

POST api/Dispatch/CreateTrip

Use this to create a new trip

POST api/Dispatch/UpdateTrip

Use this method to update a trip

GET api/Dispatch/DeleteTrip/{auth}/{TripID}

Use this method to delete a trip

GET api/Dispatch/GetTripStops/{auth}/{TripID}

Use this method to retrieve the list of stops (pickup or delivery) assigned to the trip

POST api/Dispatch/AddStopToTrip

Add stop (pickup or delivery) to trip

GET api/Dispatch/ChangeStopSequence/{auth}/{TripDetailID}/{NextTripDetailID}

Use this method to change the sequence of a stop, move a stop after another stop(PreviousTripDetailID)

GET api/Dispatch/MoveStopToTrip/{auth}/{TripDetailID}/{TripID}

Use this method to move a stop (TripDetailID) to another trip (TripID). The stop will be added to the end of the trip

GET api/Dispatch/DeleteStopFromTrip/{auth}/{TripDetailID}

Delete pickup or delivery from trip Unique authorization identifier

GET api/Dispatch/GetUnassignedStops/{auth}

Get the list of unassigned stops (pickup or delivery)

POST api/Dispatch/GetUnassignedStops

Get the list of unassigned stops (pickup or delivery) (with filter parameters) (only deliveries or inbound shipments are provided at this point)

GET api/Dispatch/GetAvailableCouriers/{auth}

Use this method to get a list of available couriers for dispatch

POST api/Dispatch/AssignCourierToTrip

Use this method to assign a courier to a trip

GET api/Dispatch/AutoAssignStopsToTrip/{auth}/{TripID}

Use this method to assign all unassigned stops to this trip based on the route codes associated with the trip

GET api/Dispatch/GetTripTemplates/{auth}

Get a list of trip templates available to the user (filtered for users office)

GET api/Dispatch/GetRouteCodes/{auth}

Use this method to get a list of route codes for the users office

GET api/Dispatch/GetTripRoutes/{auth}/{TripID}

Get the list of route codes assigned to the trip

POST api/Dispatch/AddTripRoute

Use this method to add a route code to a trip

GET api/Dispatch/DeleteTripRoute/{auth}/{TripRouteID}

Use this method to delete a route code from a trip

POST api/Dispatch/TripTemplate

use this method to search for Trip Templates

POST api/Dispatch/TripTemplate/Add

Use this method to add a new trip template

POST api/Dispatch/TripTemplate/Update

Use this method to update a trip template

GET api/Dispatch/TripTemplate/Delete/{auth}/{TripTemplateID}

use this method to delete a trip template

GET api/Dispatch/TripTemplateRoute/{auth}/{TripTemplateID}

Select route codes associated with a trip template

GET api/Dispatch/TripTemplateRoute/Add/{auth}/{RouteCode}/{TripTemplateID}

Used to add a route code to a trip template

GET api/Dispatch/TripTemplateRoute/Delete/{auth}/{TripTemplateRouteGUID}

Used to add a route code to a trip template


GET api/Document/ForShipment/{UserGUID}/{ShipmentDocumentID}

Use this method retrieve the a document attached to a shipment

GET api/Document/Shipment/{authOrUserGUID}/{ShipmentDocumentID}

Use this method retrieve the a document attached to a shipment, auth or userguid required

GET api/Document/PickupAlert/{UserGUID}/{PickupGUID}

Use this method to generate and retrieve the pickup alert document


Use these methods to provide integration with e-Courier systems

POST api/Ecourier/Status

Use this method to send status from e-courier system to MxTMS


Used to receive flight alert information from FlightStats

POST api/FlightStats

Used to accept flight status messages from FlightStats


GET api/ManifestShipmentData/manifestIds/{auth}?orderStatusCode={orderStatusCode}&shipmentState={shipmentState}&deliveryAlertStatus={deliveryAlertStatus}&minutesSinceAlerted={minutesSinceAlerted}

Get Manifest Shipment ids for ReportManifestForm/ReportInboundAlert Alerts.

GET api/ManifestShipmentData/manifestDetails/{auth}?manifestGUIDs={manifestGUIDs}

Get Manifest Shipment Data for ReportManifestForm/ReportInboundAlert Alerts.


GET api/GetShipmentsForOutboundCall/shipmentIds/{auth}?StateFilter={StateFilter}&StatusFilter={StatusFilter}&ReportClass={ReportClass}&TimeSince={TimeSince}&TimeInterval={TimeInterval}

Used to provide a list of ShipmentGUID

GET api/GetShipmentsForOutboundCall/shipmentDetails/{auth}?shipmentGUIDs={shipmentGUIDs}

B Used to provide a list of ShipmentGUID


Provides methods used to integrate between ParcelLogic TMS sytems

POST api/Integration/CreateOrder

Used to create an order in the "To" companies system

POST api/Integration/AcknowledgePickupAlert

Used provide acknowledgement of the pickup alert

POST api/Integration/AcknowledgeInboundAlert

Used provide acknowledgement of the inbound alert

POST api/Integration/MarkPickedUp

Used to mark a shipment picked-up

POST api/Integration/MarkDropped

Used to mark a shipment dropped

POST api/Integration/MarkRecovered

Used to mark a shipment recovered

POST api/Integration/MarkDelivered

Use this method mark a shipment delivered

POST api/Integration/Status

This method is used internally to process integration status messages. It is also the template you should use when creating a web service that will receive status messages from a ParcelLogic TMS system (ShipSameday)


Used to provide the integration for the MNXpartners mobile app

GET api/Mobile/GetUserInfo/{UserID}/{Password}/{ApplicationID}/{LocationData}

Used to authenicate user and get user profile information

GET api/Mobile/SignOut/{UserGUID}

Used to know when user has signed out

POST api/Mobile/Ping

Get updated geolocation and check for new alert

GET api/Mobile/ChangePassword/{UserGUID}/{NewPassword}

Used to change the user password

GET api/Mobile/VehicleList/{UserGUID}

Get vehicle list

POST api/Mobile/VehicleCheckOut

Checkout a vehicle

POST api/Mobile/VehicleCheckIn

Checkin a vehicle

GET api/Mobile/GetCurrentVehicleGUID/{UserGUID}

Get current Vehicle GUID

GET api/Mobile/GetTaskList/{UserGUID}/{LocationData}

Get Task List

GET api/Mobile/SelectConfirmPickupAlert/{UserGUID}/{EntityGUID}

Retreive information for Pickup Alert Task (CONFALERTPU)

GET api/Mobile/SelectConfirmDeliveryAlert/{UserGUID}/{EntityGUID}

Retreive information for Delivery Alert Task (CONFALERTDEL)

GET api/Mobile/SelectInRouteToPickup/{UserGUID}/{EntityGUID}

Retrieve information for En Route To Pickup Task (INROUTEPU).

GET api/Mobile/SelectPickup/{UserGUID}/{EntityGUID}

Retreive information for Pickup Task (PICKUP)

GET api/Mobile/SelectDepartToAirport/{UserGUID}/{EntityGUID}

Retreive information for Depart To Airport Task (DEPTOAP)

GET api/Mobile/SelectConfirmDrop/{UserGUID}/{EntityGUID}

Retrieve information for Drop Task (DROP)

GET api/Mobile/SelectConfirmRecover/{UserGUID}/{EntityGUID}

Retrieve information for Recover Task (RECOVER)

GET api/Mobile/SelectOutForDelivery/{UserGUID}/{EntityGUID}

Retrieve information for Out for Delivery Task (OUTFORDEL)

GET api/Mobile/SelectProofOfDelivery/{UserGUID}/{EntityGUID}

Retrieve information for Proof Of Delivery Task (DELIVER)

POST api/Mobile/UpdateConfirmPickupAlert

Update information for Pickup Alert Task (CONFALERTPU)

POST api/Mobile/UpdateConfirmDeliveryAlert

Update information for Delivery Alert Task (CONFALERTDEL)

POST api/Mobile/UpdateInRouteToPickup

Update information for In Route To Pickup Task (INROUTEPU).

POST api/Mobile/UpdatePickup

Update information for Pickup Task (PICKUP)

POST api/Mobile/UpdateDepartToAirport

Update information for Depart to Airport Task (DEPTOAP).

POST api/Mobile/UpdateConfirmDrop

Update information for Drop Task (DROP)

POST api/Mobile/UpdateConfirmRecover

Update information for Recover Task (RECOVER)

POST api/Mobile/UpdateOutForDelivery

Update information for Out for Delivery Task (OUTFORDEL).

POST api/Mobile/UpdateProofOfDelivery

Update information for Proof of Delivery Task (DELIVER)

GET api/Mobile/SelectStartTrip/{UserGUID}/{EntityGUID}

Use this method to select the data to for the start trip task

POST api/Mobile/UpdateStartTrip

Use this method to confirm the shipments have been received for the stops on the trip and to start the trip

GET api/Mobile/SelectEndTrip/{UserGUID}/{EntityGUID}

Use this method to select the data for the end trip task

POST api/Mobile/UpdateEndTrip

Use this method to update the end trip task

POST api/Mobile/AddItemToConsolidation

Use this method to add an item (piece or shipment) to a consolidation

POST api/Mobile/RemoveItemFromConsolidation

Use this method to remove an item (piece or shipment) from a consolidation

POST api/Mobile/ScanDropMultiple

Use this method to mark multiple items (order#, piece ID, manifest # or consolidation/bag #) dropped at the carrier

POST api/Mobile/ScanRecoverMultiple

Use this method to mark multiple items (order#, piece ID, manifest # or consolidation/bag #) recovered from the carrier

POST api/Mobile/ScanLocation

Used to perform the Location Scan

POST api/Mobile/ScanConfirmation

Used to perform the Confirmation Scan

POST api/Mobile/ScanDeliveryMultiple

Used to perform the Multiple Delivery Scan

POST api/Mobile/ScanDelivery

Used to perform delivery scan

POST api/Mobile/KitScan

Used to perform the Kit Scan

POST api/Mobile/LabScan

Used to perform lab scan

GET api/Mobile/SelectIDBadge/{auth}

Use this method to select ID Badge information for a courier

POST api/Mobile/UpdateIDBadge/{auth}

Use this method to update ID Badge information for a courier


Used to provide functionality for displaying, editing, updating and deleting notes

GET api/Note/GetNotes/{auth}/{EntityGUID}/{EntityType}/{IncludeUserNote}/{IncludeSystemGenerated}/{IncludeDeleted}

Used to provide the list of notes for the specified entity

GET api/Note/GetNote/{auth}/{NoteGUID}

Used to retrieve a single note

POST api/Note/CreateNote/{auth}/{EntityGUID}/{EntityType}

Used to create a new note attached to an entity

POST api/Note/UpdateNote/{auth}/{NoteGUID}

Used to update a note attached to an entity

GET api/Note/DeleteNote/{auth}/{NoteGUID}

Used to delete a note (the note is not actually deleted, only marked in the system)


Provide functionality related to managing office information

GET api/Office/DropDown/{auth}

Used to provide a list of offices (open only)


Used to provide Operations Log functionality

GET api/OpsLog/GetTabs/{auth}

Used to provide the list of tabs for the Operations Log for current user

GET api/OpsLog/GetTabDetail/{auth}/{tabid}

Use to retrieve setup information about a tab

GET api/OpsLog/AddTab/{auth}

Use to add a new tab

GET api/OpsLog/DeleteTab/{auth}/{tabid}

Use to delete an existing tab

POST api/OpsLog/UpdateTab/{auth}/{tabid}

Use to update an existing tab

GET api/OpsLog/GetTasks/{auth}/{tabid}/{pagenum}/{pagesize}

Used to provide the list of tasks for specified operations log tab (operations layout)

GET api/OpsLog/GetTasksForDispatch/{auth}/{tabid}/{pagenum}/{pagesize}

Used to provide the list of tasks for specified operations log tab (dispatch layout)

GET api/OpsLog/GetTasksForBilling/{auth}/{tabid}/{pagenum}/{pagesize}

Used to provide the list of tasks for specified operations log tab (billing layout)

GET api/OpsLog/GetTasksForQuality/{auth}/{tabid}/{pagenum}/{pagesize}

Used to provide the list of tasks for specified operations log tab (quality layout)

GET api/OpsLog/GetLayouts/{auth}

Used to provide a list of LAYOUTs available in Ops Log Setup

GET api/OpsLog/GetFilters/{auth}

Used to provide a list of FILTERs available in Ops Log Setup

GET api/OpsLog/GetSorts/{auth}

Used to provide a list of SORTs available in Ops Log Setup

GET api/OpsLog/GetAccountGroups/{auth}

Used to provide a list of account groups(ACCT GRP) available in Ops Log Setup

GET api/OpsLog/GetServices/{auth}

Used to provide a list of services (SERVICE) available in Ops Log Setup

GET api/OpsLog/GetRateByUsers/{auth}

Used to provide a list of billing users (RATE BY) available in Ops Log Setup

GET api/OpsLog/GetRoles/{auth}/{tabid}

Used to provide a list of roles for the specified tab

GET api/OpsLog/GetRole/{auth}/{opslogroleid}

Used to provide retrieve a single role

POST api/OpsLog/AddRole/{auth}/{tabid}

Used to add a new role to the specified tab

GET api/OpsLog/DeleteRole/{auth}/{roleid}

Use to delete an existing role from a tab

POST api/OpsLog/UpdateRole/{auth}/{roleid}

Used to update a role for the specified tab

GET api/OpsLog/SetOpsCoord/{auth}/{EntityGUID}/{EntityType}/{UserID}

Used to set or clear the operations coordinator

GET api/OpsLog/SelectTaskCsrAcknowledge/{auth}/{EntityGUID}/{EntityType}

Use this method to retrieve information for the (CSR)Acknowledge task.

GET api/OpsLog/SelectTaskReadyForOps/{auth}/{EntityGUID}/{EntityType}

Use this method to retrieve information for the Ready For Operations task

GET api/OpsLog/SelectOpsAcknowledge/{auth}/{EntityGUID}/{EntityType}

Use this method to retrieve information for the Operations Acknowledge task

GET api/OpsLog/SelectTaskPickupAlert/{auth}/{EntityGUID}/{EntityType}/{Realert}

Use this method to retrieve information for the Pickup Alert task

GET api/OpsLog/SelectTaskPickupAlertConfirm/{auth}/{EntityGUID}/{EntityType}

Use this method to retrieve information for the Pickup Alert Confirm task

GET api/OpsLog/SelectTaskInRouteToPickup/{auth}/{EntityGUID}/{EntityType}

Use this to retrieve information for the En Route to Pickup task

GET api/OpsLog/SelectTaskPickup/{auth}/{EntityGUID}/{EntityType}

Use this method to select data for the pickup task

GET api/OpsLog/SelectTaskDepartToAirport/{auth}/{EntityGUID}/{EntityType}

Use this method retrieve the Depart To Airport task

GET api/OpsLog/SelectTaskDrop/{auth}/{EntityGUID}/{EntityType}

Used to select data for the drop task (DROP)

GET api/OpsLog/SelectTaskAlertInbound/{auth}/{EntityGUID}/{EntityType}

Use to select data for the alert inbound task (ALERTINBOUND)

GET api/OpsLog/SelectTaskConfirmInbound/{auth}/{EntityGUID}/{EntityType}

Use to select data for the confirm inbound task (CONFINBOUND)

GET api/OpsLog/SelectTaskConfirmDeliveryAlert/{auth}/{EntityGUID}/{EntityType}

Used to select data for the confirm inbound task (CONFALERTDEL)

GET api/OpsLog/SelectTaskOnboard/{auth}/{EntityGUID}/{EntityType}

Used to select data for the confirm onboard task (ONBOARD)

GET api/OpsLog/SelectTaskDepart/{auth}/{EntityGUID}/{EntityType}

Used to select data for the depart task (DEPART)

GET api/OpsLog/SelectTaskArrive/{auth}/{EntityGUID}/{EntityType}

Used to select data for the arrive task (ARRIVE)

GET api/OpsLog/SelectTaskRecoverDeliver/{auth}/{EntityGUID}/{EntityType}

Use this method to select data for the recover task (RECOVERDEL)

GET api/OpsLog/SelectTaskDeliver/{auth}/{EntityGUID}/{EntityType}

Use this method to select data for the deliver task (DELIVER)

POST api/OpsLog/UpdateTaskCsrAcknowledge/{auth}/{EntityGUID}/{EntityType}

Use this method to update information for the (CSR)Acknowledge task.

POST api/OpsLog/UpdateTaskReadyForOps/{auth}/{EntityGUID}/{EntityType}

Use this method to update information for the Ready for Operations task.

POST api/OpsLog/UpdateTaskOpsAcknowledge/{auth}/{EntityGUID}/{EntityType}

Use this method to update information for the Ready for Operations task.

POST api/OpsLog/UpdateTaskPickupAlert/{auth}/{EntityGUID}/{EntityType}

Use this method to update information for the Pickup Alert task.

POST api/OpsLog/UpdateTaskPickupAlertConfirm/{auth}/{EntityGUID}/{EntityType}

Use this method to update information for the Pickup Alert Confirm task.

POST api/OpsLog/UpdateTaskInRouteToPickup

Use this method to update the En Route To Pickup task

POST api/OpsLog/UpdateTaskPickup/{auth}/{EntityGUID}/{EntityType}

Use this method to update information from the Pickup task

POST api/OpsLog/UpdateTaskDepartToAirport

Use this method to update the Depart To Airport task

POST api/OpsLog/UpdateTaskDrop/{auth}/{EntityGUID}/{EntityType}

Use this method to update the drop task (DROP)

POST api/OpsLog/UpdateTaskAlertInbound

Use this method to update the alert inbound task (ALERTINBOUND)

POST api/OpsLog/UpdateTaskConfirmInbound

Use this method to update the confirm inbound task (CONFINBOUND)

POST api/OpsLog/UpdateTaskConfirmDeliveryAlert

Use this method to update the confirm inbound task (CONFALERTDEL)

POST api/OpsLog/UpdateTaskOnboard

Use this method to update the confirm onboard task (ONBOARD)

POST api/OpsLog/UpdateTaskDepart

Use this method to update the depart task (DEPART)

POST api/OpsLog/UpdateTaskArrive

Use this method to update the arrive task (ARRIVE)

POST api/OpsLog/UpdateTaskRecoverDeliver

Use this method to update the recover task (RECOVERDEL)

POST api/OpsLog/UpdateTaskDeliver

Use this method to udpate the deliver task (DELIVER)

POST api/OpsLog/UpdateProcessOrderStatus

No documentation available.

POST api/OpsLog/AttachDocument

No documentation available.

POST api/OpsLog/SaveLocation

No documentation available.

POST api/OpsLog/SendEmail

No documentation available.


Use these methods to create orders in MxTMS

POST api/Orders/CreateOrderFromWMS

Method used by WMS app to create orders in MxTMS

POST api/Orders/GetShipmentsByReference

No documentation available.

POST api/Orders/GetStatus

No documentation available.

POST api/Orders/CreateOrder

Used this method to create an order. If multiple piece shipment, use the PieceDetail element below to specify details, and leave the details in the root elements blank.


Used to manage pickup related information

GET api/Pickup/SelectActive/{auth}/{ShipmentGUID}

Used to provide a list of active pickups relative to shipment parameters

GET api/Pickup/SelectManifest/{auth}/{PickupGUID}

Used to select the pickup manifest (orders on pickup)

GET api/Pickup/SelectCosts/{auth}/{PickupGUID}

Used to select the pickup cost

GET api/Pickup/SelectDocuments/{auth}/{PickupGUID}

Used to select the documents for all shipments on the pickup


Used to manage the list of route codes

GET api/RouteCode/{auth}

Retrieve a list of all Route Codes available


Used to manage a shipment

GET api/Shipment/{auth}/{id}

Used to retrieve information about a shipment.

POST api/Shipment/{auth}

Used to create a new shipment

PUT api/Shipment/{auth}/{id}

Used to update an existing shipment

DELETE api/Shipment/{auth}/{id}

Used to delete or cancel an existing shipment


GET api/Shipper/TrackByTrackingNumber/{TrackingNumber}

Track shipment by tracking number (unsecure, no authorization, only basic information returned)

GET api/Shipper/TrackByTrackingNumber/{auth}/{TrackingNumber}

Track shipment by tracking number

GET api/Shipper/TrackByShipmentGUID/{auth}/{ShipmentGUID}

Track shipment by GUID. You may find the ShipmentGUID in the response from active orders or recent deliveries methods

GET api/Shipper/GetActiveOrders/{auth}/{AccountNumber}

Get active orders for user

GET api/Shipper/RecentDeliveries/{auth}/{AccountNumber}

Get recent deliveries for user

GET api/Shipper/GetAccountList/{auth}/{IncludeAllItem}

Use this method to retrieve a list of account number for the user to display in a drop down field

POST api/Shipper/SearchAddresses

Use to search/retrieve the list of available addresses for this user

POST api/Shipper/AddAddress

Use this method to add an address to the users address book

GET api/Shipper/DeleteAddress/{auth}/{AddressGUID}

Use this method to delete an address

POST api/Shipper/UpdateAddress

Use this method to update an address

GET api/Shipper/PrintAirbill/{auth}/{ShipmentGUID}

Use this method to print an airbill

GET api/Shipper/PrintLabel/{auth}/{ShipmentGUID}

Use this method to print a label

GET api/Shipper/PrintCommercialInvoice/{auth}/{ShipmentGUID}

Use this method to print a commercial invoice

GET api/Shipper/PrintDangerousGoods/{auth}/{ShipmentGUID}

Use this method to print a dangerous goods declaration

POST api/Shipper/AttachDocument

Use this method to attach a document to a shipment

GET api/Shipper/GetServices/{auth}

Use this method to get a list of avaialble services for this user

GET api/Shipper/GetCreateOrderDefaults/{auth}

Use this method to get the default values for creating a new shipment

GET api/Shipper/GetDocuments/{auth}/{ShipmentGUID}

Used to retrieve the list of customer visible documents for a shipment

GET api/Shipper/PrintDocument/{auth}/{ShipmentDocumentID}

No documentation available.


Use these methods to test HTTP POST, the posted body will be written to the event log

POST api/TestPost

Used to test HTTP POST messages


Used to manage general transportation related functionality

GET api/Transportation/SelectForCsrAck/{auth}

Used to provide the list of status codes available for the CSR acknowledge task


Used to receive new tracking event in the system from UPS

POST api/UPSTrack

Used to accept new tracking events from UPS


Used to provide functionality to vendors

GET api/Vendor/SelectIDBadge/{auth}

Use this method to select ID Badge information for a courier

POST api/Vendor/UpdateIDBadge/{auth}

Use this method to update ID Badge information for a courier


Provides functionality for the BabyCord mobile app

GET api/Viacord/GetStatus/{kitlotnumber}

Used to provide the list of tabs for the Operations Log for current user

POST api/Viacord/Create/{kitlotnumber}

Use this to create a viacord kit, this is the first step when using the Viacord Babycord mobile app

GET api/Viacord/GetInfo

Get viacord customer service phone number