POST api/Orders/CreateOrderFromWMS
Method used by WMS app to create orders in MxTMS
Request Information
URI Parameters
Body Parameters
CreateOrdersFromWmsParmName | Description | Type | Additional information |
LogonName |
The user name which matches the user name in MxTMS |
string |
Required Max length: 50 |
CompanyID |
Company ID always 15693 for MNX |
integer |
Required |
TrackingNumber |
The tracking number for shipment |
string |
Max length: 20 |
AccountNumber |
The customer account number |
string |
Required Max length: 15 |
ShipperName |
The name of person shipping the package |
string |
Required Max length: 50 |
ShipperPhone |
The shippers phone number |
string |
Max length: 25 |
ShipperEmail |
The shippers email address |
string |
Max length: 100 |
PickupAddressID |
The system assigned pickup address identifier |
integer |
None. |
PickupAddressCode |
The user assigned address identifier |
string |
None. |
PickupCompanyName |
The pickup company name |
string |
Required Max length: 50 |
PickupAddress1 |
The first line of the address |
string |
Max length: 50 |
PickupAddress2 |
The second line of the address |
string |
Max length: 50 |
PickupAddress3 |
The third line of the address |
string |
Max length: 50 |
PickupCityName |
The city name at pickup |
string |
Required Max length: 50 |
PickupStateProvID |
The state/province ID at pickup |
string |
Max length: 3 |
PickupPostalCode |
The postal code at pickup |
string |
Max length: 10 |
PickupCountryID |
The country identifier at pickup |
string |
Required Max length: 2 |
PickupAirportID |
The airport at pickup |
string |
Required Max length: 3 |
PickupPersonToSee |
The person to see at the pickup location |
string |
Max length: 50 |
PickupPhoneNumber |
The phone number at pickup |
string |
Max length: 25 |
PickupEmailAddress |
The email address at pickup |
string |
Max length: 100 |
PickupInstructions |
The instructions at pickup |
string |
Max length: 500 |
DeliveryAddressID |
The system assigned address identifier |
integer |
None. |
DeliveryAddressCode |
The user assigned address identifier |
string |
None. |
DeliveryCompanyName |
The company name at delivery |
string |
Required |
DeliveryAddress1 |
Address line at delivery |
string |
None. |
DeliveryAddress2 |
Address line at delivery |
string |
None. |
DeliveryAddress3 |
Address line at delivery |
string |
None. |
DeliveryCityName |
City name at delivery |
string |
Required |
DeliveryStateProvID |
State/Province at delivery |
string |
None. |
DeliveryPostalCode |
Postal code at delivery |
string |
None. |
DeliveryCountryID |
Country ID at delivery |
string |
Required |
DeliveryAirportID |
Airport code at delivery |
string |
Required |
DeliveryAttention |
Attention name at delivery |
string |
None. |
DeliveryPhoneNumber |
Phone number at delivery |
string |
None. |
DeliveryEmailAddress |
Email address at delivery |
string |
None. |
DeliveryInstructions |
Instructions at delivery |
string |
None. |
ServiceCode |
Service code from MxTMS for this shipment |
string |
Required |
Pieces |
Number of pieces |
integer |
Required |
Weight |
Total weight of all pieces on shipment |
decimal number |
None. |
WeightUOM |
Weight unit of measure (LB,KG) |
string |
Required |
Length |
Length of each piece on shipment |
integer |
None. |
Width |
Width of each piece on shipment |
integer |
None. |
Height |
Height of each piece on shipment |
integer |
None. |
SizeUOM |
Size unit of measure (IN,CM) |
string |
Required |
Contents |
Contents of shipment |
string |
None. |
DeclaredValue |
Declared value of shipment |
decimal number |
None. |
DeclaredValueCurrencyID |
Currency of declared value (ie. USD) |
string |
None. |
Reference |
Primary reference value on shipment |
string |
None. |
OtherReference1 |
Other reference value on shipment |
string |
None. |
OtherReference2 |
Other reference value on shipment |
string |
None. |
OtherReference3 |
Other reference value on shipment |
string |
None. |
OtherReference4 |
Other reference value on shipment |
string |
None. |
OtherReference5 |
Other reference value on shipment |
string |
None. |
OtherReference6 |
Other reference value on shipment |
string |
None. |
OtherReference7 |
Other reference value on shipment |
string |
None. |
OtherReference8 |
Other reference value on shipment |
string |
None. |
OtherReference9 |
Other reference value on shipment |
string |
None. |
OtherReferenceTypeCode1 |
Other reference type code on shipment |
string |
None. |
OtherReferenceTypeCode2 |
Other reference type code on shipment |
string |
None. |
OtherReferenceTypeCode3 |
Other reference type code on shipment |
string |
None. |
OtherReferenceTypeCode4 |
Other reference type code on shipment |
string |
None. |
OtherReferenceTypeCode5 |
Other reference type code on shipment |
string |
None. |
OtherReferenceTypeCode6 |
Other reference type code on shipment |
string |
None. |
OtherReferenceTypeCode7 |
Other reference type code on shipment |
string |
None. |
OtherReferenceTypeCode8 |
Other reference type code on shipment |
string |
None. |
OtherReferenceTypeCode9 |
Other reference type code on shipment |
string |
None. |
WarehouseReference |
Internal warehouse reference value |
string |
None. |
ReadyDateTime |
Date/time when shipment will be ready |
date |
Required |
SchedPickupDateTime |
Quoted pickup date/time when shipment will be picked-up |
date |
None. |
SchedDeliveryDateTime |
Quote delivery date/time when shipment will be delivered |
date |
None. |
DropOff |
true=shipment will be dropped off (no pickup) |
boolean |
None. |
HoldForPickup |
true=shipment will be held for pickup (no delivery) |
boolean |
None. |
CarrierKey |
Carrier identifier that shipment will be transported |
string |
None. |
CarrierService |
Carriers service used to transport shipment |
string |
None. |
Notes |
Notes regarding shipment |
Collection of string |
None. |
Documents |
Documents attached to this shipment |
Collection of Document |
None. |
Request Formats
application/json, text/json
{ "Notes": [ "sample string 1", "sample string 2" ], "Documents": [ { "DocumentType": "sample string 1", "FileName": "sample string 2", "DocumentData": "sample string 3" }, { "DocumentType": "sample string 1", "FileName": "sample string 2", "DocumentData": "sample string 3" } ], "LogonName": "sample string 1", "CompanyID": 2, "TrackingNumber": "sample string 3", "AccountNumber": "sample string 4", "ShipperName": "sample string 5", "ShipperPhone": "sample string 6", "ShipperEmail": "sample string 7", "PickupAddressID": 1, "PickupAddressCode": "sample string 8", "PickupCompanyName": "sample string 9", "PickupAddress1": "sample string 10", "PickupAddress2": "sample string 11", "PickupAddress3": "sample string 12", "PickupCityName": "sample string 13", "PickupStateProvID": "sample string 14", "PickupPostalCode": "sample string 15", "PickupCountryID": "sample string 16", "PickupAirportID": "sample string 17", "PickupPersonToSee": "sample string 18", "PickupPhoneNumber": "sample string 19", "PickupEmailAddress": "sample string 20", "PickupInstructions": "sample string 21", "DeliveryAddressID": 1, "DeliveryAddressCode": "sample string 22", "DeliveryCompanyName": "sample string 23", "DeliveryAddress1": "sample string 24", "DeliveryAddress2": "sample string 25", "DeliveryAddress3": "sample string 26", "DeliveryCityName": "sample string 27", "DeliveryStateProvID": "sample string 28", "DeliveryPostalCode": "sample string 29", "DeliveryCountryID": "sample string 30", "DeliveryAirportID": "sample string 31", "DeliveryAttention": "sample string 32", "DeliveryPhoneNumber": "sample string 33", "DeliveryEmailAddress": "sample string 34", "DeliveryInstructions": "sample string 35", "ServiceCode": "sample string 36", "Pieces": 37, "Weight": 1.0, "WeightUOM": "sample string 38", "Length": 1, "Width": 1, "Height": 1, "SizeUOM": "sample string 39", "Contents": "sample string 40", "DeclaredValue": 1.0, "DeclaredValueCurrencyID": "sample string 41", "Reference": "sample string 42", "OtherReference1": "sample string 43", "OtherReference2": "sample string 44", "OtherReference3": "sample string 45", "OtherReference4": "sample string 46", "OtherReference5": "sample string 47", "OtherReference6": "sample string 48", "OtherReference7": "sample string 49", "OtherReference8": "sample string 50", "OtherReference9": "sample string 51", "OtherReferenceTypeCode1": "sample string 52", "OtherReferenceTypeCode2": "sample string 53", "OtherReferenceTypeCode3": "sample string 54", "OtherReferenceTypeCode4": "sample string 55", "OtherReferenceTypeCode5": "sample string 56", "OtherReferenceTypeCode6": "sample string 57", "OtherReferenceTypeCode7": "sample string 58", "OtherReferenceTypeCode8": "sample string 59", "OtherReferenceTypeCode9": "sample string 60", "WarehouseReference": "sample string 61", "ReadyDateTime": "2025-03-14T10:34:30.3079821-07:00", "SchedPickupDateTime": "2025-03-14T10:34:30.3079821-07:00", "SchedDeliveryDateTime": "2025-03-14T10:34:30.3079821-07:00", "DropOff": true, "HoldForPickup": true, "CarrierKey": "sample string 65", "CarrierService": "sample string 66" }
application/xml, text/xml
<CreateOrdersFromWmsParm xmlns:i="" xmlns=""> <AccountNumber>sample string 4</AccountNumber> <CarrierKey>sample string 65</CarrierKey> <CarrierService>sample string 66</CarrierService> <CompanyID>2</CompanyID> <Contents>sample string 40</Contents> <DeclaredValue>1</DeclaredValue> <DeclaredValueCurrencyID>sample string 41</DeclaredValueCurrencyID> <DeliveryAddress1>sample string 24</DeliveryAddress1> <DeliveryAddress2>sample string 25</DeliveryAddress2> <DeliveryAddress3>sample string 26</DeliveryAddress3> <DeliveryAddressCode>sample string 22</DeliveryAddressCode> <DeliveryAddressID>1</DeliveryAddressID> <DeliveryAirportID>sample string 31</DeliveryAirportID> <DeliveryAttention>sample string 32</DeliveryAttention> <DeliveryCityName>sample string 27</DeliveryCityName> <DeliveryCompanyName>sample string 23</DeliveryCompanyName> <DeliveryCountryID>sample string 30</DeliveryCountryID> <DeliveryEmailAddress>sample string 34</DeliveryEmailAddress> <DeliveryInstructions>sample string 35</DeliveryInstructions> <DeliveryPhoneNumber>sample string 33</DeliveryPhoneNumber> <DeliveryPostalCode>sample string 29</DeliveryPostalCode> <DeliveryStateProvID>sample string 28</DeliveryStateProvID> <Documents> <CreateOrdersFromWmsParm.Document> <DocumentData>sample string 3</DocumentData> <DocumentType>sample string 1</DocumentType> <FileName>sample string 2</FileName> </CreateOrdersFromWmsParm.Document> <CreateOrdersFromWmsParm.Document> <DocumentData>sample string 3</DocumentData> <DocumentType>sample string 1</DocumentType> <FileName>sample string 2</FileName> </CreateOrdersFromWmsParm.Document> </Documents> <DropOff>true</DropOff> <Height>1</Height> <HoldForPickup>true</HoldForPickup> <Length>1</Length> <LogonName>sample string 1</LogonName> <Notes xmlns:d2p1=""> <d2p1:string>sample string 1</d2p1:string> <d2p1:string>sample string 2</d2p1:string> </Notes> <OtherReference1>sample string 43</OtherReference1> <OtherReference2>sample string 44</OtherReference2> <OtherReference3>sample string 45</OtherReference3> <OtherReference4>sample string 46</OtherReference4> <OtherReference5>sample string 47</OtherReference5> <OtherReference6>sample string 48</OtherReference6> <OtherReference7>sample string 49</OtherReference7> <OtherReference8>sample string 50</OtherReference8> <OtherReference9>sample string 51</OtherReference9> <OtherReferenceTypeCode1>sample string 52</OtherReferenceTypeCode1> <OtherReferenceTypeCode2>sample string 53</OtherReferenceTypeCode2> <OtherReferenceTypeCode3>sample string 54</OtherReferenceTypeCode3> <OtherReferenceTypeCode4>sample string 55</OtherReferenceTypeCode4> <OtherReferenceTypeCode5>sample string 56</OtherReferenceTypeCode5> <OtherReferenceTypeCode6>sample string 57</OtherReferenceTypeCode6> <OtherReferenceTypeCode7>sample string 58</OtherReferenceTypeCode7> <OtherReferenceTypeCode8>sample string 59</OtherReferenceTypeCode8> <OtherReferenceTypeCode9>sample string 60</OtherReferenceTypeCode9> <PickupAddress1>sample string 10</PickupAddress1> <PickupAddress2>sample string 11</PickupAddress2> <PickupAddress3>sample string 12</PickupAddress3> <PickupAddressCode>sample string 8</PickupAddressCode> <PickupAddressID>1</PickupAddressID> <PickupAirportID>sample string 17</PickupAirportID> <PickupCityName>sample string 13</PickupCityName> <PickupCompanyName>sample string 9</PickupCompanyName> <PickupCountryID>sample string 16</PickupCountryID> <PickupEmailAddress>sample string 20</PickupEmailAddress> <PickupInstructions>sample string 21</PickupInstructions> <PickupPersonToSee>sample string 18</PickupPersonToSee> <PickupPhoneNumber>sample string 19</PickupPhoneNumber> <PickupPostalCode>sample string 15</PickupPostalCode> <PickupStateProvID>sample string 14</PickupStateProvID> <Pieces>37</Pieces> <ReadyDateTime>2025-03-14T10:34:30.3079821-07:00</ReadyDateTime> <Reference>sample string 42</Reference> <SchedDeliveryDateTime>2025-03-14T10:34:30.3079821-07:00</SchedDeliveryDateTime> <SchedPickupDateTime>2025-03-14T10:34:30.3079821-07:00</SchedPickupDateTime> <ServiceCode>sample string 36</ServiceCode> <ShipperEmail>sample string 7</ShipperEmail> <ShipperName>sample string 5</ShipperName> <ShipperPhone>sample string 6</ShipperPhone> <SizeUOM>sample string 39</SizeUOM> <TrackingNumber>sample string 3</TrackingNumber> <WarehouseReference>sample string 61</WarehouseReference> <Weight>1</Weight> <WeightUOM>sample string 38</WeightUOM> <Width>1</Width> </CreateOrdersFromWmsParm>
Sample not available.
Response Information
Resource Description
CreateOrderFromWmsRespName | Description | Type | Additional information |
IsSuccessful |
Created order was successful (true) |
boolean |
None. |
ErrorMessage |
Error message if method failed |
string |
None. |
ShipmentNumber |
The system generated, user visible, shipment identifier. |
integer |
None. |
ShipmentGUID |
The system generated, internal shipment identifier |
string |
None. |
Response Formats
application/json, text/json
{ "IsSuccessful": true, "ErrorMessage": "sample string 2", "ShipmentNumber": 3, "ShipmentGUID": "sample string 4" }
application/xml, text/xml
<CreateOrderFromWmsResp xmlns:i="" xmlns=""> <ErrorMessage>sample string 2</ErrorMessage> <IsSuccessful>true</IsSuccessful> <ShipmentGUID>sample string 4</ShipmentGUID> <ShipmentNumber>3</ShipmentNumber> </CreateOrderFromWmsResp>