GET api/OpsLog/SelectTaskDeliver/{auth}/{EntityGUID}/{EntityType}
Use this method to select data for the deliver task (DELIVER)
Request Information
URI Parameters
Name | Description | Type | Additional information |
auth |
The authorization GUID for this user session |
string |
Required |
EntityGUID |
The entity identifer of the task |
string |
Required |
EntityType |
The entity type of the task (M=manifest) |
string |
Required |
Body Parameters
Response Information
Resource Description
TaskDeliverRespName | Description | Type | Additional information |
ShipmentGUID |
The unique system assigned shipment identifier |
string |
None. |
ShipmentNumber |
The unique system assigned user visible shipment identifier |
integer |
None. |
DeliverType |
RD= Recover and Deliver, PD=Pickup and Deliver |
string |
None. |
PickupFrom |
The location where the shipment was picked-up or recovered from |
string |
None. |
DeliverTo |
The deliver address |
string |
None. |
DeliveryInstructions |
Delivery instructions |
string |
None. |
DeliverWhen |
Delivery when (B=before quoted date/time, A=after quoted date/time, T=exactly at quoted date/time) |
string |
None. |
OriginalDeliveryDateTime |
The original quoted delivery date/time |
date |
None. |
QuotedDeliveryDateTime |
The last quoted delivery date/time |
date |
None. |
ActualDeliveryDateTime |
The actual date/time of delivery |
date |
None. |
Signature |
Name of person who signed for shipment |
string |
None. |
QualityControlID |
The quality control code assigned to the late delivery |
integer |
None. |
QualityControlName |
The display name of the quality control code assigned to the late delivery |
string |
None. |
CourierName |
The courier name that is performing the delivery |
string |
None. |
CourierPhone |
The courier phone number that is performing the delivery |
string |
None. |
CourierEmail |
The couriers email address that is performing the delivery |
string |
None. |
SpokeWith |
The person that the dispatcher spoke with to confirm delivery alert |
string |
None. |
Weight |
The weight of the shipment delivered |
decimal number |
None. |
Distance |
The delivery distance of the shipment delivered |
integer |
None. |
WaitingTime |
The waiting time at delivery |
integer |
None. |
AttemptCount |
The number of attempts made to deliver |
integer |
None. |
WeightUOM |
The weight unit (LB=pounds, KG=kilos) |
string |
None. |
DistanceUOM |
The distance unit (MI=miles, KM=kilometers) |
string |
None. |
IsSuccessful |
Set to true if method was successful |
boolean |
None. |
ErrorMessage |
The error message if method call was not successful |
string |
None. |
Response Formats
application/json, text/json
{ "ShipmentGUID": "sample string 1", "ShipmentNumber": 2, "DeliverType": "sample string 3", "PickupFrom": "sample string 4", "DeliverTo": "sample string 5", "DeliveryInstructions": "sample string 6", "DeliverWhen": "sample string 7", "OriginalDeliveryDateTime": "2025-03-14T10:55:05.1595623-07:00", "QuotedDeliveryDateTime": "2025-03-14T10:55:05.1595623-07:00", "ActualDeliveryDateTime": "2025-03-14T10:55:05.1595623-07:00", "Signature": "sample string 8", "QualityControlID": 1, "QualityControlName": "sample string 9", "CourierName": "sample string 10", "CourierPhone": "sample string 11", "CourierEmail": "sample string 12", "SpokeWith": "sample string 13", "Weight": 1.0, "Distance": 1, "WaitingTime": 1, "AttemptCount": 1, "WeightUOM": "sample string 14", "DistanceUOM": "sample string 15", "IsSuccessful": true, "ErrorMessage": "sample string 17" }
application/xml, text/xml
<TaskDeliverResp xmlns:i="" xmlns=""> <ErrorMessage>sample string 17</ErrorMessage> <IsSuccessful>true</IsSuccessful> <ActualDeliveryDateTime>2025-03-14T10:55:05.1595623-07:00</ActualDeliveryDateTime> <AttemptCount>1</AttemptCount> <CourierEmail>sample string 12</CourierEmail> <CourierName>sample string 10</CourierName> <CourierPhone>sample string 11</CourierPhone> <DeliverTo>sample string 5</DeliverTo> <DeliverType>sample string 3</DeliverType> <DeliverWhen>sample string 7</DeliverWhen> <DeliveryInstructions>sample string 6</DeliveryInstructions> <Distance>1</Distance> <DistanceUOM>sample string 15</DistanceUOM> <OriginalDeliveryDateTime>2025-03-14T10:55:05.1595623-07:00</OriginalDeliveryDateTime> <PickupFrom>sample string 4</PickupFrom> <QualityControlID>1</QualityControlID> <QualityControlName>sample string 9</QualityControlName> <QuotedDeliveryDateTime>2025-03-14T10:55:05.1595623-07:00</QuotedDeliveryDateTime> <ShipmentGUID>sample string 1</ShipmentGUID> <ShipmentNumber>2</ShipmentNumber> <Signature>sample string 8</Signature> <SpokeWith>sample string 13</SpokeWith> <WaitingTime>1</WaitingTime> <Weight>1</Weight> <WeightUOM>sample string 14</WeightUOM> </TaskDeliverResp>