POST api/OpsLog/UpdateTab/{auth}/{tabid}
Use to update an existing tab
Request Information
URI Parameters
Name | Description | Type | Additional information |
auth |
The authorization GUID for this user session |
string |
Required |
tabid |
The tab identifier return from the GetTabs method |
integer |
Required |
Body Parameters
Parameters for updating tab information
UpdateTabParmName | Description | Type | Additional information |
Name |
The name or title of the tab |
string |
None. |
SequenceNumber |
The user defined sequence of the tab |
integer |
None. |
Layout |
Specifies the layout of the tab (operations, dispatch, billing or quality) |
string |
None. |
FilterType |
The filter type for this tab |
string |
None. |
SortType |
The sort order for this tab |
string |
None. |
PageSize |
The page size for this tab |
integer |
None. |
RefreshMinutes |
Number of minutes between refreshes on this tab (null=none) |
integer |
None. |
TaskWindow |
Show task due during next specified minutes (null=display all) |
integer |
None. |
DateTimeFormat |
Format of dates and times displayed on the log |
string |
None. |
MakeAllLinksAvailable |
true=enable all task links even if roles are not responsible |
boolean |
None. |
ShowFlightTasks |
true=show flight tasks, false=hide flight tasks |
boolean |
None. |
MoveToNextTask |
true=when completeing a task, automatically move to next tasks |
boolean |
None. |
ConsolPickupTasks |
true=consolidate pickup tasks into one line, false=display one line per shipment |
boolean |
None. |
ConsolManifestTasks |
true=consolidate manifest tasks into one line, false=display one line per shipment |
boolean |
None. |
SortNewOrdersFirst |
true=also sort new orders first, false=sort by due time |
boolean |
None. |
ShowAllCsrTasks |
Show all CSR tasks even if not assigned as CSR |
boolean |
None. |
ShowAllOpsCoordTasks |
Show all Ops Coordinator tasks even if not assigned as Ops Coordinator |
boolean |
None. |
UseForSearch |
Use current tab for searching |
boolean |
None. |
FilterReference |
Filter log by specified reference |
string |
None. |
AccountNumber |
Filter log by specified account # |
string |
None. |
FilterCustomerGroupID |
Filter by specified customer group |
integer |
None. |
FilterServiceInclude |
INC=include only filtered services, EXC=exclude only filter services |
string |
None. |
FilterServiceID1 |
Filter by specified service |
integer |
None. |
FilterServiceID2 |
Filter by specified service |
integer |
None. |
FilterServiceID3 |
Filter by specified service |
integer |
None. |
FilterServiceID4 |
Filter by specified service |
integer |
None. |
FilterServiceID5 |
Filter by specified service |
integer |
None. |
FilterServiceID6 |
Filter by specified service |
integer |
None. |
FilterServiceID7 |
Filter by specified service |
integer |
None. |
FilterServiceID8 |
Filter by specified service |
integer |
None. |
FilterCutoff |
Filter by cutoff date |
date |
None. |
FilterBillingUserGUID |
Filter by specified billing user |
string |
None. |
WillCall |
YES=show only will call orders, NO=do not show will call orders, blank=show all orders |
string |
None. |
FilterOrigAirports |
Filter by origin airport |
string |
None. |
FilterDestAirports |
Filter by destination airport |
string |
None. |
FilterOrigAirportsType |
string |
None. |
FilterDestAirportsType |
string |
None. |
FilterOrderStatusStart |
Filter by status (start) |
integer |
None. |
FilterOrderStatusEnd |
Filter by status (end) |
integer |
None. |
FilterPickupCountryID |
Filter by pickup country |
string |
None. |
FilterDeliveryCountryID |
Filter by delivery country |
string |
None. |
FilterCustomerInclude |
string |
None. |
FilterCustomerGroupInclude |
string |
None. |
FilterManifestNumber |
Filter by manfiest number |
integer |
None. |
FilterPickupCountryType |
string |
None. |
FilterDeliveryCountryType |
string |
None. |
HasGps |
true = show only shipments with GPS devices |
boolean |
None. |
ShowReRouteTasks |
true = show only orders with Re Route flag |
boolean |
None. |
Request Formats
application/json, text/json
{ "Name": "sample string 1", "SequenceNumber": 2, "Layout": "sample string 3", "FilterType": "sample string 4", "SortType": "sample string 5", "PageSize": 1, "RefreshMinutes": 1, "TaskWindow": 1, "DateTimeFormat": "sample string 6", "MakeAllLinksAvailable": true, "ShowFlightTasks": true, "MoveToNextTask": true, "ConsolPickupTasks": true, "ConsolManifestTasks": true, "SortNewOrdersFirst": true, "ShowAllCsrTasks": true, "ShowAllOpsCoordTasks": true, "UseForSearch": true, "FilterReference": "sample string 16", "AccountNumber": "sample string 17", "FilterCustomerGroupID": 1, "FilterServiceInclude": "sample string 18", "FilterServiceID1": 1, "FilterServiceID2": 1, "FilterServiceID3": 1, "FilterServiceID4": 1, "FilterServiceID5": 1, "FilterServiceID6": 1, "FilterServiceID7": 1, "FilterServiceID8": 1, "FilterCutoff": "2025-03-14T13:02:06.2956759-07:00", "FilterBillingUserGUID": "sample string 19", "WillCall": "sample string 20", "FilterOrigAirports": "sample string 21", "FilterDestAirports": "sample string 22", "FilterOrigAirportsType": "sample string 23", "FilterDestAirportsType": "sample string 24", "FilterOrderStatusStart": 1, "FilterOrderStatusEnd": 1, "FilterPickupCountryID": "sample string 25", "FilterDeliveryCountryID": "sample string 26", "FilterCustomerInclude": "sample string 27", "FilterCustomerGroupInclude": "sample string 28", "FilterManifestNumber": 1, "FilterPickupCountryType": "sample string 29", "FilterDeliveryCountryType": "sample string 30", "HasGps": true, "ShowReRouteTasks": true }
application/xml, text/xml
<UpdateTabParm xmlns:i="" xmlns=""> <AccountNumber>sample string 17</AccountNumber> <ConsolManifestTasks>true</ConsolManifestTasks> <ConsolPickupTasks>true</ConsolPickupTasks> <DateTimeFormat>sample string 6</DateTimeFormat> <FilterBillingUserGUID>sample string 19</FilterBillingUserGUID> <FilterCustomerGroupID>1</FilterCustomerGroupID> <FilterCustomerGroupInclude>sample string 28</FilterCustomerGroupInclude> <FilterCustomerInclude>sample string 27</FilterCustomerInclude> <FilterCutoff>2025-03-14T13:02:06.2956759-07:00</FilterCutoff> <FilterDeliveryCountryID>sample string 26</FilterDeliveryCountryID> <FilterDeliveryCountryType>sample string 30</FilterDeliveryCountryType> <FilterDestAirports>sample string 22</FilterDestAirports> <FilterDestAirportsType>sample string 24</FilterDestAirportsType> <FilterManifestNumber>1</FilterManifestNumber> <FilterOrderStatusEnd>1</FilterOrderStatusEnd> <FilterOrderStatusStart>1</FilterOrderStatusStart> <FilterOrigAirports>sample string 21</FilterOrigAirports> <FilterOrigAirportsType>sample string 23</FilterOrigAirportsType> <FilterPickupCountryID>sample string 25</FilterPickupCountryID> <FilterPickupCountryType>sample string 29</FilterPickupCountryType> <FilterReference>sample string 16</FilterReference> <FilterServiceID1>1</FilterServiceID1> <FilterServiceID2>1</FilterServiceID2> <FilterServiceID3>1</FilterServiceID3> <FilterServiceID4>1</FilterServiceID4> <FilterServiceID5>1</FilterServiceID5> <FilterServiceID6>1</FilterServiceID6> <FilterServiceID7>1</FilterServiceID7> <FilterServiceID8>1</FilterServiceID8> <FilterServiceInclude>sample string 18</FilterServiceInclude> <FilterType>sample string 4</FilterType> <HasGps>true</HasGps> <Layout>sample string 3</Layout> <MakeAllLinksAvailable>true</MakeAllLinksAvailable> <MoveToNextTask>true</MoveToNextTask> <Name>sample string 1</Name> <PageSize>1</PageSize> <RefreshMinutes>1</RefreshMinutes> <SequenceNumber>2</SequenceNumber> <ShowAllCsrTasks>true</ShowAllCsrTasks> <ShowAllOpsCoordTasks>true</ShowAllOpsCoordTasks> <ShowFlightTasks>true</ShowFlightTasks> <ShowReRouteTasks>true</ShowReRouteTasks> <SortNewOrdersFirst>true</SortNewOrdersFirst> <SortType>sample string 5</SortType> <TaskWindow>1</TaskWindow> <UseForSearch>true</UseForSearch> <WillCall>sample string 20</WillCall> </UpdateTabParm>
Sample not available.
Response Information
Resource Description
ResponseBaseName | Description | Type | Additional information |
IsSuccessful |
Set to true if method was successful |
boolean |
None. |
ErrorMessage |
The error message if method call was not successful |
string |
None. |
Response Formats
application/json, text/json
{ "IsSuccessful": true, "ErrorMessage": "sample string 2" }
application/xml, text/xml
<ResponseBase xmlns:i="" xmlns=""> <ErrorMessage>sample string 2</ErrorMessage> <IsSuccessful>true</IsSuccessful> </ResponseBase>